Sunday 16 December 2007

Assisted inspiration needed :-P

Almost a month since the clinical students migrated to Mater Dei and almost a month since my last proper post on this blog... time really flies !

Despite being very lazy on the blog front, I did find the time to compile a short article for InSite, regarding the RCSI medical school issue. I must confess I am not an avid reader of InSite (or any other student publication, for that matter) but it does have quite a large audience and the more people that know about the issue, the better it is !!!

On the same topic (the proposition, not my silly article !), I heard that the ministry of education has yet to sign the RCSI agreement. Does anybody know if this is true and what are the reasons behind it ? Is it a true victory of the UoM or just a political trick, due to the forthcoming election ?

Last but not least : as most of you should have noticed by now, posts are becoming more and more scarce as time goes by. This is not due to a loss of interest, but due to a lack of both time and inspiration. And while there's nothing you can do about the former, you can help me with the latter by suggesting topics or sending questions... So go on and click that "publish your comment" button ! You know you want to !!!

Saturday 8 December 2007

Ho, ho, ho !!!